msdonnalee: minimal mall detail
msdonnalee: "When you're green, you're growing. When you're ripe, you rot" -- Ray Kroc
msdonnalee: glimpse of nasturtiums
msdonnalee: painterly potted plants
msdonnalee: van ness vic detail
msdonnalee: pastel petals
msdonnalee: bit o' deco
msdonnalee: splatterstract
msdonnalee: waiting for the muni metro
msdonnalee: perfect stairs for halloween
msdonnalee: eerie entry fx
msdonnalee: offbeat victorian stairs
msdonnalee: st. charles st dwellings
msdonnalee: sunny stucco detail
msdonnalee: arch st. neighbors
msdonnalee: feeling of falling
msdonnalee: branches and windows
msdonnalee: unfinished business
msdonnalee: not 'drained' of color
msdonnalee: “Standing there are walls and windows, staring at me.” ― Suman Pokhrel
msdonnalee: fanciful fan fx
msdonnalee: partial purple portal
msdonnalee: i was floored
msdonnalee: tear here?
msdonnalee: don't tred on me
msdonnalee: greens on green
msdonnalee: timberrrrr!
msdonnalee: square deal
msdonnalee: de young effects
msdonnalee: still life detail