msdonnalee: inner-city quilt
msdonnalee: shadowy financial district
msdonnalee: wavering glimmer of hope
msdonnalee: a web of glass
msdonnalee: center 21
msdonnalee: cutting edge
msdonnalee: checks and counterbalances
msdonnalee: partly plaid
msdonnalee: a bank with branches
msdonnalee: slip slidin' away ♫
msdonnalee: not exactly clear as glass
msdonnalee: purple siding and funky reflections
msdonnalee: day tripper II
msdonnalee: partially candace
msdonnalee: angles and reflections
msdonnalee: real and unreal
msdonnalee: on the grid
msdonnalee: neutralized reflections
msdonnalee: 9/11: seek the truth
msdonnalee: lying low
msdonnalee: what you see is not always what you get
msdonnalee: sinuous city
msdonnalee: where the green glass glows
msdonnalee: construction reflection
msdonnalee: un 'a bridged'
msdonnalee: residential reflection
msdonnalee: incoming ufo
msdonnalee: seen on second II
msdonnalee: web-sight