mschmidt62: 4 Starlings
mschmidt62: Northern Flicker
mschmidt62: Steller's Jay
mschmidt62: Nuthatch and Chickadee
mschmidt62: Snow Falling on Cedars
mschmidt62: Poppies!
mschmidt62: View from the new digs.
mschmidt62: Red-Breasted Nuthatch
mschmidt62: Red Tipped Lichen
mschmidt62: Red-Breasted Sapsucker
mschmidt62: Backlit Blacktail
mschmidt62: Arachtober Finally--Jumper with Prey
mschmidt62: Backyard Composition
mschmidt62: Gnaphalium californicum
mschmidt62: Atmospheric Optics
mschmidt62: My backyard garden, one recent morning
mschmidt62: Triteleia ixioides
mschmidt62: Blind Badger Moth
mschmidt62: Goofy Gopher
mschmidt62: Castilleja exserta
mschmidt62: Where's the "Things with 7 legs" group?
mschmidt62: Aglenopsis
mschmidt62: This is the same Metepeira in the Manzanita you saw Sunday.
mschmidt62: A spider in a clay pot
mschmidt62: Tiny Orbweaver
mschmidt62: The Guardian
mschmidt62: Probably not a Larinioides, after all.
mschmidt62: Nice abdomen!
mschmidt62: Unidentified Bombylliid
mschmidt62: Scorpion