Hengki Koentjoro: Fisherman Haiku
blinkofaneye: Streetlamp 2
Kosmo Foto: Sunset on Blackheath
Caio Kenji: Elephant Stone
Caio Kenji: Penetration
solecism: pure morning
dorkasaurus_rex: ---_0300
*6261: *旅立ち
threeoneseveneight: hardware store
thomasw.: pilatus
Marco's Mole: Callum
Marco's Mole: Street light
Mike Oddhayward: Street of Rain
*6261: *耳飾り
Yosigo: red portrait
TommyOshima: Urban Cowgirl and the Dueling Balalaika
:: K a t e ::: I'm awake and feel the ache.
Geltona: Daydream
zgodzinski: The light (11.2008) with Rolleiflex
:: K a t e ::: I guess its time to stand up tall. See how it feels to lose it all.