threestoriescreative: thisyeariwill
threestoriescreative: Winnifred = Farm Dog
threestoriescreative: Peony and Wine
threestoriescreative: Peony and Beer
threestoriescreative: Coffee patience
threestoriescreative: Hehe. Sleeping Winnifred.
threestoriescreative: Let sleeping dogs lie.
threestoriescreative: Sleeping Charlie
threestoriescreative: Dogs ate I mean ripped to shreds my felted bunny.
threestoriescreative: Really really really tasty beer.
threestoriescreative: Freaky cats in a basket
threestoriescreative: Port of Seattle
threestoriescreative: Sorrento hotel Seattle
threestoriescreative: Winter wonderland
threestoriescreative: Flowers!!!!!
threestoriescreative: The beginnings of a bathroom renovation
threestoriescreative: She's so sweet.
threestoriescreative: Winnifred & Charlie