mrtanjil: ।।বর্ষ বরণ ১৪২৫।। ।।এই দিনে ভালবাসার সম্পর্ক গুলো বুনা হোক নতুন রঙিন সুতো দিয়ে এবং যাত্রা শুরু হোক এক নতুন উদ্যমে।।
mrtanjil: ।।বর্ষ বরন ১৪২৫।। ।।আহ্বান জানই এক শভ্র এবং সুন্দর নতুন বছরকে।।
mrtanjil: The End Of The Love Story ....
mrtanjil: #Sun_Light #Girl #sister #smile
mrtanjil: #ফাল্গুন_১৪২৪
mrtanjil: #Red #Flowers #Winter #Ends
mrtanjil: Everything You Can Imagine Is Real..."Pablo Picasso"
mrtanjil: #Childhood #Fun #Friends
mrtanjil: #Face #BW #Light
mrtanjil: I think in a lot of ways unconditional love is a myth. My mom's the only reason I know it's a real thing. #Mom #Face #BW #Light
mrtanjil: #Face #Colors #smile #Light
mrtanjil: #Face #BW #Light
mrtanjil: Urban Sunset (Last Part)..
mrtanjil: Urban Sunset (2nd Part) ....
mrtanjil: রূপকথার হাসি...
mrtanjil: Story Of Two Girls
mrtanjil: Homecoming .....
mrtanjil: Am just alone here, in my own world.There is no map & there is no road.
mrtanjil: Time stops for none, so cherish the moment. It’s passing by the speed of life
mrtanjil: Maybe Existence Is Ultimately A Lonely Thing.
mrtanjil: All Children Are Born With Stars In Their Eyes And They Are Dame Curious.....
mrtanjil: A Sunset Always Reminds Us That End is always Beautiful
mrtanjil: Urban Sunset ....
mrtanjil: Every moment of light and dark is a miracle
mrtanjil: Deep into That Darkness Peering, Long I stood there, Wondering, Fearing, Doubting and Dreaming Dreams no Mortal ever Dared To Dream Before
mrtanjil: I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
mrtanjil: I think in a lot of ways unconditional love is a myth. My mom's the only reason I know it's a real thing.
mrtanjil: It Is Impossible To See The Angel Unless You First Have A Notion Of It...
mrtanjil: A Smile Is A Curve That Sets Everything Straight...