mrs. shelly: I took this picture right before I gave the lil fella a drink but hopefully someone will be able to tell me what this is: weed or plant....
mrs. shelly: Point Mallard Fireworks
mrs. shelly: Tom said he'd be happier as a snowman...
mrs. shelly: Emotions shed like leaves falling silently from their trees.
mrs. shelly: Emotions shed like leaves falling silently from their trees.
mrs. shelly: My sleepy-headed baby Hank after a car ride.
mrs. shelly: Meet trouble...err...Hank
mrs. shelly: Finally...
mrs. shelly: Worth the Wait...
mrs. shelly: Do you see what I see?
mrs. shelly: Redneck Tomato Plants
mrs. shelly: My first tomato
mrs. shelly: Lovin' My Plants
mrs. shelly: Fruits of my Labor
mrs. shelly: Beauty of a Blanketflower
mrs. shelly: Three's Company
mrs. shelly: Beauty Lost in Time
mrs. shelly: Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!!!
mrs. shelly: The Rat Mobile
mrs. shelly: Excuse me....Would you happen to have a light?
mrs. shelly: Betcha thought this was a dessert, huh?
mrs. shelly: JT on a Vintage Lawn Mower
mrs. shelly: Alabama Jubilee
mrs. shelly: mayflower hot air balloon
mrs. shelly: My nephew Tyree
mrs. shelly: Meagan and her Dad