MichaSauer: Zebra in Etosha NP
JoeCow: Wowsers... I just love the bokeh of the Voigtlander 25mm f0.95!
Bex Dot: Front garden
niddler: Albino Robin! Taken on my camera phone, and heavily cropped - so apologies for the awful quality!
Tim Peake: Post-flight tour Belfast
Tim Peake: Post-flight tour Glasgow
Tim Peake: Thank you for following
Tim Peake: Summer sun over UK
Tim Peake: Florida
Tim Peake: Glacial river
Pogorita: 'Waiting for the race', monoprint, Jan20 2016
niddler: Bubble in a bubble
niddler: Blue!
*lenuta*: Lime Slice
Attic24: Twit Twoo
timbarton: By Pitt River at the weekend.
lilfishstudios: skipping stone
niddler: Expendables 3 at the cinema and then a Turkish restaurant... bliss!
niddler: Eden project without a macro lens
Pogorita: Work in progress.
Pogorita: Summer days at Calshot.
niddler: Happy Anniversary
Bex Dot: Seth
Attic24: Bunting Triangles
lilfishstudios: stepping stones
lilfishstudios: tiny mosses
lilfishstudios: the darker corners
fengschwing: Scoot
morganwills: Rainbow Heart-felt Beads