mrsmamahen: My baby's requested birthday cake. Simple Angel Food Cake.
mrsmamahen: The turkey is perfect! Almost dinner time :)
mrsmamahen: The turkey is perfect! Almost dinner time :)
mrsmamahen: Snow covered branches in October #Alaska
mrsmamahen: Sunset Beach on Oahu
mrsmamahen: Spoiled
mrsmamahen: HipstaPrint
mrsmamahen: At the store
mrsmamahen: Today I made a camera insert for my purse. #DIY On my blog soon!
mrsmamahen: My honey and me. At the ball.
mrsmamahen: Army Wife
mrsmamahen: On a walk in Fairbanks, AK
mrsmamahen: Mmmmmm ..... Scallops!
mrsmamahen: Tubing
mrsmamahen: #febphotoaday 10:00 am.... Working on a painting
mrsmamahen: "A Tree in the Rain" - Abstract Painting
mrsmamahen: Cranberry-picking scenery
mrsmamahen: The golden hills north of Fairbanks, Alaska in the autumn. I loved how the birch trees were turning.
mrsmamahen: Here is the painting I did the other day. Colors are better in person.
mrsmamahen: Cranberries, blueberries, and crowberries
mrsmamahen: History
mrsmamahen: Spring Trail