Jaime J. Quiel: Avalon Resort Panamá. Chicas del Carnaval Privado.
Frans': :O
muryru: Smoking Dasha 4
Vishiphotography: sun going down ...
Inga Arna: One year on Flickr.
allenday: IMG_3139
p4peventphotos: DSC_0271
p4peventphotos: DSC_0314
tHaT b-MoRe cHiCk aKa Miss DelFox (ROck Ur wOrLd): 2nd old pic. Was about to leave out for a freaky Fri party with my friend/bf(???) David. Late 1999. I was 200-sumthin lbs; he was over 350. Boy did we both EAT. (Couldn' ya tell?!) (Bwaha. ha. )