Film-Love: Fujichrome Provia 100
Hodaka Yamamoto: 時空の融解 -between time and space
Khánh Hmoong: Tsukuba autumn, 2015
Hodaka Yamamoto: 秋愁の浜辺 -a seafront vision in late autumn
icemanphotos: Blue again
icemanphotos: Ice Daisy
anthony samaniego: "still thinking that I hear your voice"
florence.richerataux: Meopta Belar 50/4.5
icemanphotos: Love under the Sun
Fe_Lima: Nothing in focus...
CecilieSonstebyPhotography: Going for a walk
florence.richerataux: Cyclop 85mm f/1.5
Hodaka Yamamoto: 夏遊泳 -summer jumpin'
Dmitriy Ryabov: Moment of Contemplation
quynhanhphoto: Summer rain in the Indian Himalayas of Kashmir
anthony samaniego: "the leaves, they don't change here"
icemanphotos: Ice cold spark
icemanphotos: Spark of life
anthony samaniego: "pick up your wine glass"
thu_ha291md: 000064
thu_ha291md: Dù cho mưa, tôi xin đưa em đến cuối cuộc đời. . .
Amy Chu :): Soak up the sun
icemanphotos: Sunlight
anthony samaniego: good times
Paisley patches: Barley fields