MrPants: Fing Paas!
MrPants: The ground was a trillium bloodroot wood violet carpet.
MrPants: Not a spill. Spotted a bug.
MrPants: Fingers crossed for sweet Opie
MrPants: Bliss
MrPants: Sir Henry the donkey.
MrPants: Not too shabby here
MrPants: Using all my of my self control not to harvest these oysters.
MrPants: Happy Birthday to my sweet wife. Keeping with 75% of birthday traditions, Lura is running a fever.
MrPants: Fat bee on a maypop
MrPants: Another 96• day means another trip to the creek.
MrPants: upload
MrPants: This morning Lu and went fishing. In the FUTURE!
MrPants: Took Lu to church this morning
MrPants: We lost our hive this spring so I stuck it in some woods across the street to act as a bait hive. This is what I encountered this afternoon when I went to check!
MrPants: Ladybirds and the bees
MrPants: The futility of having a straw-stuffed scarecrow in a goat pasture.
MrPants: Barrel warehouse
MrPants: Cooper hoops
MrPants: Bourbon line
MrPants: Making a scarecrow
MrPants: Frolicking
MrPants: Shiver me timbers!
MrPants: Shivers me timbers!
MrPants: Dewy
MrPants: Bees are making some progress after 11 days. Lots of brood #farmlife #topbar
MrPants: My child is learning so much from the goats. At least she's getting some fiber in her diet now.
MrPants: Lura's (and my) first snowman. #comeonalreadyspring
MrPants: Away we go!