John Patrick Images: Early morning community ....
John Patrick Images: Caught in the act. Joseph is a kind soul, hard working and conscience about leaving a sustainable footprint. I remember when he first opened his shop and watched his success over time. Same guy, same smile.
John Patrick Images: The most photographed space in town ....
John Patrick Images: Sunrise landscape photography is for insomniacs or people [like me] who are up against their will ....
John Patrick Images: From the rising of the sun .... Psalm 113:3
John Patrick Images: The lens, fogged up in the cold but I kept this test. Life is a test, are you passing?
John Patrick Images: Morning has broken ....
John Patrick Images: Good morning ..... sunshine
John Patrick Images: Thanks for blooms ....
John Patrick Images: before ....
John Patrick Images: Morning commute ....
John Patrick Images: Disenchanted I drive by vineyards everyday, they surround me, consume every view .....
John Patrick Images: I shot the super moon, it was ....meh
John Patrick Images: Not so far away .... If I'm forced up near sunrise I venture out .... But not much further than a spot along the road ....
John Patrick Images: Last sunset of the season ....
John Patrick Images: Standing in just the right place ....
John Patrick Images: Barely enough people 4K fans give @wearegalantis their full attention.
John Patrick Images: Love the mood. Lighting guy was such a cool dude, warned me about certain setups on the stage that could cause me pain .... Shot pain free!!!
John Patrick Images: Last show of the season ....
John Patrick Images: First look turns into first dance ....
John Patrick Images: Finishing touches ...