J. Quazi King: Madisin
* selector marx: Todos los pecados de la Luna.
* selector marx: Nunca me quisiste, era otra cosa, una manera de soñar.
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 361
Ibai Acevedo: Luznes
sol exposure: "Atmosphere"
diyosa: Sometimes they're happy.
Paolo Martinez: Steampunk
* selector marx: y apenas la luz de ceniza que flota sobre Madrid.
travelight: Eniye in Essen, Germany for Nelson Müller's birthday 2014
Glenn Meling: Supersvendsen
official_cabinet: Black on Grey
* selector marx: Vinila Von Bismark for Rolling Stone
Narratography by APJ: Introspection
JMSF415: Holly and The Serpents
Kwame Photography: #oldie but #goodie of #me and #she on #holiday #alicante #summer #2011 #black #white #unite #love #marriage #Canon #40d #prime #50mm #photo #photography #photographer
diyosa: the little muse