Gift of Light: Forest's Core
Gift of Light: Good Evening Pattaya
Gift of Light: Tranquility
Gift of Light: Nirvana
Gift of Light: Sparkling
Gift of Light: Heavenly Palace
Gift of Light: Sweet Fujisan
Gift of Light: Fuji on The Rock
Gift of Light: Anonymous
Gift of Light: Encounter
Estrella Chuang 心星: FIREWORKS ~Reflection~Tainan~台南~國慶煙火
Estrella Chuang 心星: Sunrise ~ 合歡山 虎杖花 日出
Vincent_Ting: 水濂洞,太魯閣國家公園 Taroko National Park
Gift of Light: Mysterious Village
Gift of Light: Beautifalls
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy): Sunset @ Taipei 101 Building
Shang-fu Dai: 石碇●二格山~日出雲瀑雲彩~ Clouds Sunrise
Shang-fu Dai: 新店●四十份~夢幻雲瀑~ Clouds falling
Estrella Chuang 心星: 苗栗通霄荷花石虎火車
Vincent_Ting: 彰濱夕照 Sunset at Changhua littoral
anekphoto: AH7A0146-1
Gift of Light: Tale as old as time
Pamiau: Melancolías.
Gift of Light: God Bless
Gift of Light: Haunting
Gift of Light: Silk on the rock