jeffa72: monets pond
H.M.MURDOCK: Puerta de la fuerza
jeffa72: abandoned
jeffa72: snow_scene
jeffa72: tall_ship-2
jeffa72: gaypride_parade-2
jeffa72: gaypride_parade-5
jeffa72: gaypride2017
Damaged Eye: The Tomb is Open
brandonzcreations: Getting Sloshed
jeffa72: comic_con-2
jeffa72: comic_con
TheBeachSaint: "When cold winds blow..." 14-365/2015 Fourteen days into my #365 projects, I'm proud of keeping-on keeping on. (Even if I did forget to post this last night. 😊) #perseverance #winter #colds #flu #reading #writing #365poem #14 #poem #poetry #words
TheBeachSaint: Just thinking... #selfy #thoughts
TheBeachSaint: "Tonto"
DLC Photos: Food Chain