R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): scan of old slides from approx. 1990: black lava lizard, two females. Right after oviposition
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): sexual dichromatismus and dimorphismus: scan of old slides from approx. 1990: adult gravid female (left hand site) and adult male of Tropidurus melanopleurus pictus, the black lava lizard of southern Bolivia and northern Argentina
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Scan of some slides from 1990: back of an adult female of Tropidurus melanopleurus pictus, note the color of this non-pregnant lizard.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Scan of some slides from 1990: underside of an adult female of Tropidurus melanopleurus pictus. Note the uniform, silver-white color.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): scan of some slides from 1990: top of an adult male Tropidurus melanopleurus pictus. Note the body equipped with a weak back comb, anterior body orange-reddishbrown, behind silver-greenish.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Scan of some slides from 1990: underside of an adult male of Tropidurus melanopleurus pictus. Notice the yellow spots on parts of the cloaca, chest, tail, thighs, and throat.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Scan of some slides from 1990: one non-gravides (center) and two gravide females of the black lava Lizard. The right animal has laid its eggs in a gap just before creating the photo.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): sexual dichromatismus and dimorphismus: scan of some slides from 1990: World first (female) offspring in captivity, a few days old of the black lava lizard. See the dorsolateral rows of reddish spots and the missing dorsal crest, typical of a female
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Scan of some slides from 1990: World first offspring in captivity, a few days old female of the black lava lizard, Tropidurus melanopleurus. See the dorsolateral rows of reddish spots and the missing dorsal crest, typical of a female
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): sexual dichromatismus and dimorphismus: scan of some slides from 1990: World first (female) offspring in captivity, a few days old of the black lava lizard. See the dorsolateral rows of reddish spots and the missing dorsal crest, typical of a female
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): sexual dichromatismus and dimorphismus: scan of some slides from 1990: World first (male) offspring in captivity, a few days old of the black lava lizard. See the uniformly colored dorsolateral areas (without red.. ) and the crested center of neck and ba