R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA)
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - wir sind überrascht, als die überwältigend große astronomische Anlage vor unseren Augen auftaucht
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - Infotafel
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA)
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - das Anlagenzentrum und die Forschungsstation
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - auf Schienen verfahrbare Gruppe von Radioteleskopen in New Mexico. ET, von hier aus kannst Du gern nachhause telefonieren.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - Radioteleskop in der Wartungsstation.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - Detail
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - und die Rinderzucht
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Karl G. Jansky Very Large ArrayNational Radio Astronomy ObservatoryLlanos de San Agustín, New Mexico
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - in der Nähe des Knotenpunktes der kreuzförmig angeordneten Schienen
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Very Large Array (VLA) - das Schienensystem / track of the radio telescope
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Auge in Auge
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Female collared Lizard of the Carrizozo volcanic field.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
USA 2009 a friendly collared Lizard female
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
USA 2009 a friendly collared Lizard female
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
2009_Valley of Fires_NM
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
find the bird; east of Socorro NM, Striped Whipsnake (Coluber taeniatus) and Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus).
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Picture 2 :Striped Whipsnake (Coluber taeniatus) and Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus), left in the dark background.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Picture 3 :2009_östlich von Socorro_NM
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Picture 4 :2009_östlich von Socorro_NM
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
2009_Valley of Fires_ NM
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
2009_Valley of Fires_NM
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
gestrandet- irgendwo in den USA
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
vermisst- irgendwo in den USA
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Artesia, New Mexico, die Sculptur: "der Trail Boss" beim Viehtrieb.
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
2009_Artesia-TX_ (24) (2019_03_28 16_07_08 UTC)
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Artesia, New Mexico, die Sculptur: "der Trail Boss".
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Artesia, New Mexico, die Sculptur: "der Trail Boss".
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family):
Eine kleinere Herde der Texas-Longhorn-Rinder aus privater Rinderzucht