FAB O LENS: Keep yourself pure.
FAB O LENS: How was this digital painting created?
FAB O LENS: Digital painting with various apps on my iPad.
FAB O LENS: An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.
FAB O LENS: Digital painting with several different iOS apps
FAB O LENS: The options are yours.
FAB O LENS: Collage work combining photography and digital paint.
FAB O LENS: Man is just a little lower than the Angels.
FAB O LENS: Blessed is the man, you choose.
FAB O LENS: Painter apps on iPad, so much better than dragging around sketch pads and paints.
FAB O LENS: Those Dead in Christ shall rise first.
FAB O LENS: The End Will Come
FAB O LENS: Pursue good
FAB O LENS: Don't wear out your welcome
FAB O LENS: Simply done... Or is it?
FAB O LENS: He that is dead to sin is free
FAB O LENS: Be an example.
FAB O LENS: He is the light.
FAB O LENS: The word is like a double edged sword.
FAB O LENS: God may not spare you, either.
FAB O LENS: No selfishness
FAB O LENS: Defiled from the inside out.
FAB O LENS: What leads to life?
FAB O LENS: I create digital art by combining photographs and paint on my iPad pro. #paintFX #after photo #artsy #torialovescameras
FAB O LENS: Digital art using photography and paint
FAB O LENS: Digital art combined with paint and photography.
FAB O LENS: Digital art combined with paint and photography. "Meet My Daughters" is the current series.
FAB O LENS: Painting and photography combined to create these collage works.
FAB O LENS: Painting and photography combined to create these collage works.
FAB O LENS: Search me