Radiohead.: moonlight.
toshi.mono: A girl
- KenLee -: Bitch please !
E.Ruth: There are places I remember
Anastasia Volkova: Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.
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Lauren Peralta: Kara Neko
Lauren Peralta: sink or swim
Lauren Peralta: Alysha Nett
amyeager82: IMG_1929
Ailera Stone: it felt so crystal in the air
Simply Stardust: Atlas the Explorer
laura zalenga: i'm free in my mind [Explore]
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WhenYouEscape: tumblr_lz0syvXWNt1qd0cdeo1_1280 10-37-15
Honor Heymann: Shannon Kester
Honor Heymann: Shannon Kester