lets_exist: "may the road rise up to meet you,
lets_exist: i'm sorry guys
lets_exist: winter wonderland.
lets_exist: you weren't listening.
lets_exist: meet mr. & mrs. snowman
lets_exist: sheer beauty.
lets_exist: who lives in a pineapple...
lets_exist: mmmmmm.
lets_exist: unusual you.
lets_exist: Infinity
lets_exist: i can see clearly now.
lets_exist: "life is full of beauty.
lets_exist: "No ending can be right, because it shouldn't be over at all. The magic is not supposed to go away."
lets_exist: the more we get together the happier we'll be.
lets_exist: please don't leave me behind.
lets_exist: I always call this a flower
lets_exist: reflections.
lets_exist: and as she grew older
lets_exist: don't follow me.