lets_exist: bad news...
lets_exist: lilac and a little ladybug
lets_exist: sunshine:]
lets_exist: so simple.
lets_exist: *sings* i will survive!
lets_exist: crisp and clean
lets_exist: yep, it snowed and it's spring.
lets_exist: you can only save yourself.
lets_exist: i'm back.
lets_exist: i know, i know...
lets_exist: i did it. i cut contacts.
lets_exist: oh hai little red riding hood
lets_exist: no title.
lets_exist: someday soon.
lets_exist: "death is but the next great adventure"
lets_exist: "we enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
lets_exist: i'm sure no one else will enjoy this as much as i do.
lets_exist: dun dun dun!
lets_exist: nom nom!