Vepsä: Pappa Paavo.
PoenaGabriel: P1000332ss
Jimmydflint: Rain Drops with Lights
jockchau: DSC03805
steveartist: Christmas Eve Fog, 2012
Han Lei Photo: Lowell, Massachusetts
booksin: sectionality
cbaud: Salin de Giraud 032
Carsten Ranke: L1001388 fullsize
Andrés Santiago: Relajante
Matthew Thomas Turner: Calanques, Marseille France 2012
stu.mandry: Pine cone
Steve Lewis and family: Redbrook Bridge
Network Osaka: Neuton Poster
paraluci: alba a Castelluccio_
Andrea Acito Photos: Once upon a time... in Matera!
rocdam: Old Aliano - II
renat.o: Landscape
renat.o: Kind of blue
L▲iv ©: Ferrandina
Vesuviano - Nicola De Pisapia: Spiaggia di Capitello
Dan65: stray
Dan65: after the race
Dan65: golden frolic through the undergrowth
Dan65: wind