Charlyn W: Cherry Pistachio Eclair
Shari Diane: Amazing grace, I feel you coming up slowly now ...
sam b-r: The dreaded selfie rears its head
auntsmack4u: 116.365...afternoon
TommyOshima: beyond the boundaries
filianne: Western Wall, Jerusalem
filianne: Boker tov, Kibutz Ginnegar
filianne: Mineral Beach, Dead Sea, Israel
filianne: Shvil HaChalav (Milky Way), Kerem HaTeimanim, Yemenite Quarter, Tel Aviv
vruba: birds
anniebee: cyanograph
sam b-r: Palms
hern42: First snow on the Chief
razorbern: Cat's eyes
auntsmack4u: 31.365 - Fielding Mellish: I love Eastern philosophy. It's... it's metaphysical, and redundant. Abortively pedantic.
hern42: ...