anonymousandrew: IMG_0374
We Are Serious: IMG_1379
We Are Serious: DSC_8554
We Are Serious: DSC_8558
Kevin L O'Mara: The Torments of Owlman
CheVali: Mother and Father 2
scienceduck: tunnelvision
{ karen }: Water Dance
Jana (ugobananas): Morning Mist
Treesa!: Fight!
H. Mal: For Kaytee
scienceduck: start them young
Kevin L O'Mara: Good Lord!
JoeNoPhoto: The Nuts
squeekerd1: laughing komara
CheVali: Father Medium Format 3
faust0matic: Untitled-1
faust0matic: Ever have one of those days?
Kevin L O'Mara: Getting ready for a tasting at work
Kevin L O'Mara: Sleeping with the window open