ck_pictures: Robin leaving branch
ck_pictures: Goose on a short flight
ck_pictures: Swallow in flight
ck_pictures: Blackbird
ck_pictures: Long-tailed Tit
ck_pictures: Blackbird
ck_pictures: Kingfisher in Ashton Canal
ck_pictures: Mallard
ck_pictures: Sparrowhawk
ck_pictures: Squirrel on the run
ck_pictures: Magpie with some gold leaves
ck_pictures: Cormorant in flight
ck_pictures: Sparrow
ck_pictures: Kingfisher
ck_pictures: IMG_5245
ck_pictures: IMG_5011
ck_pictures: IMG_5006
Sunsades: Great Blue Heron
Andrea Luck: Olympus Mons - ESA Mars Express
ck_pictures: IMG_4380 Petit Blongios-Least Bittern-30062023