montyflickr: Turkey Day ride
montyflickr: Porthole
montyflickr: "Mourning in America: The 282 People, Places, and Things Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter" (though I'm sure it's much longer since printing) *sigh*
montyflickr: View from the Bay
montyflickr: Trump or no Trump, Lu's not sweatin' it. #luthecat #itsacatslife #cantgrabthis
montyflickr: #vote #imwithher #nastypeople
montyflickr: Tent Rocks summiting
montyflickr: Happy Day of the Dead from Santa Fe #DayoftheDead #diadelosmuertos
montyflickr: Summiting in Santa Fe
montyflickr: Always great to see the @blitzentrapper boys and @martymarquis and @ericeearley on tour. Loving the #BTsongbook and the 90s-Seattle-Grunge medley. Took me right back to high school daze!
montyflickr: See any Blue Angels?
montyflickr: Sunset #1
montyflickr: Nerding out with Donald Knuth about type and code
montyflickr: Someone's feeling the foggy weather. #luthecat
montyflickr: After a day long meditation retreat it's hard not to show compassion to the dog tied up on the street. #luthecat better watch out.
montyflickr: Sand in her shoes...
montyflickr: Rescued this little gal 5 years ago today, and she barely survived. Never thought I'd be a cat guy, but she's been a great little roommate. Hard to believe she might be around until I'm in my 50s. #luthecat #knockonwood
montyflickr: What a weirdo. (Photo by @msadin)
montyflickr: We're on a boat! Super proud of this lady for wrapping up her post-doc at @ucberkeley!
montyflickr: Had the place nearly to ourselves yesterday!
montyflickr: Slushing it up spring style with these folks
montyflickr: Boilin' some cray
montyflickr: Some impressive running from this crew over the weekend! #oaklandhalfmarathon
montyflickr: It's been a rough Caturday so far...
montyflickr: February in SF
montyflickr: Boy meets cat
montyflickr: Amazing dinner celebrating 1 year with this amazing lady 👆
montyflickr: #tbt to that time I didn't have a beard. #whoisthatguy
montyflickr: First Twin Peaks summit with the lady. She's an impressive climber!
montyflickr: Summit Saturday