Ben Yau: DSCF0150
Sunny Herzinger: Röthbach waterfall, Berchtesgaden
Pemi Serarols: Bosc de les creus
Francesco Impellizzeri: The Silence of the Lake
Rohan Reilly Photography: Palau de les Arts
Wenceslau Graus: Ruta del Saso de Santa Cruz
George Spanoudakiss: long exposure sunset
Sly Foto 64: Anonymous
Sly Foto 64: The prince of darkness...
Sly Foto 64: Intense decay
Sly Foto 64: Empty room
jonathan le borgne: La pointe du Kador
jonathan le borgne: Petit chien des lavandins
Iván Ferrero: Monte Errigal
geraintparry: Kingfisher
Eternament: Roques de Benet, llum dels Mags d'Orient
Eternament: Girona essencial
Eternament: Regal de Dalt
Eternament: claustre de Ripoll
Ron Buening: Luminescence
Ron Buening: Sleepy Screech Owl
Ron Buening: The Roundhouse
eyetwist: double parked. goldfield, nv. 2016.
JH_1982: Catedral de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Roberto_48: Somosierra
Ernest Bech: Cala Aigua Xelida II
Toni DPZ: Irati en Otoño
Oriol Federico: Hotel W Barcelona
BeNowMeHere: Water in Moon