monojussi: Young vs. Gnarly
monojussi: The Green Monster
monojussi: total loss of all basic motor skills – blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue – severance of all connection between the body and the brain
monojussi: Dandylion
monojussi: As much as I hate it, the best name I could come up with for this image was a really tired old Mr. Mister reference
monojussi: The Rite of Spring
monojussi: Alas, no syrup
monojussi: Rhapsody in Orange
monojussi: La Fiamma
monojussi: Sibling Rivalry
monojussi: Sic Transit Forma Mundi
monojussi: Coming Out
monojussi: Colour of the day 76: tussilagofarfarayellow
monojussi: Did I mention it is raining?
monojussi: It may never rain in Southern California but it sure as hell does in Finland
monojussi: Where the rowan berries burn, over waving seas of fern
monojussi: Accidental Erotica
monojussi: A leaf runs through it
monojussi: Peekaboo
monojussi: Black Petunia (not many Dahlias around here)
monojussi: First Raspberry of the Season
monojussi: Pretty Poison
monojussi: Yum!
monojussi: Have a nice day, too!
monojussi: Sunflower
monojussi: Sunflower II
monojussi: Map Leaf
monojussi: Map Leaf II
monojussi: Map Leaf III
monojussi: Morgana Leaf-ay