Alisson Xavier: The Revenant Vibes and just like that Seattle trip comes to a close. seats are upright and seat belts buckled - see you soon San Francisco! ✌️
Alisson Xavier: #35mm from Seattle
Alisson Xavier: last ferry out
James F1980: Rolleiflex 3.5 F - Ilford HP5 - Rodinal 1:100 / 60 mins
James F1980: Chantelle
James F1980: _MG_3932
andreshigueros: Somethings
andreshigueros: IMG_7339
andreshigueros: IMG_7357
James F1980: img004
James F1980: img001
James F1980: Self portrait
James F1980: St Ives Bridge at night
Diego Cajas: La Garra
Diego Cajas: Feriesco
Diego Cajas: Tragafichas
Gabriela Castañeda: DSC_2504bebe2
Gabriela Castañeda: DSC_2668-2 copy2