Monkeyboy914: View from Cremorne Point
Monkeyboy914: Cremorne Point
Monkeyboy914: Lower North Shore
Monkeyboy914: Secret path to......?
Monkeyboy914: Suuuuuurge!
Monkeyboy914: They call it 'Stormy Monday'....
Monkeyboy914: Kids playing in the storm surf
Monkeyboy914: Choppy!
Monkeyboy914: Oceanic Power
Monkeyboy914: Life Savers on alert
Monkeyboy914: A calmer Clovelly SLSC
Monkeyboy914: Up River
Monkeyboy914: Down River
Monkeyboy914: Watery Goodness
Monkeyboy914: Delaney's Hut
Monkeyboy914: Snowy Mountains National Park
Monkeyboy914: Delaney's Hut (2)
Monkeyboy914: View from Mt Kosciuszko
Monkeyboy914: Snow Crow
Monkeyboy914: Tama to Bronte
Monkeyboy914: Line up getting busy
Monkeyboy914: Room for one more?
Monkeyboy914: He waits. Thats what he does...
Monkeyboy914: Bondi to Bronte
Monkeyboy914: Bondi to Bronte (2)
Monkeyboy914: After you...I insist.
Monkeyboy914: Chilly Ardles
Monkeyboy914: Lily the Boat
Monkeyboy914: St Michaels Mount from the beach