Pconde: Birth of the Zêzere River
zneppi, the photo freak: Proud Men [Explored]
DinisCortes: Sudoeste1
GenaD610: Arches
JCGomes: Parque Verde - Coimbra
JMCardoso: I went to the woods...
Alda Cravo Al-Saude: Wind in your pocket
Erwin Thieme: Regata Bicentenaria Valparaíso 103/365
BB (O.ö): Love is The End
BB (O.ö): H a p p i n e s s
deyvis malta: Land People
Eric Lafforgue: Yao (or Mien) kid - Laos
Jordi Sardà: Fachada estación de trenes Lisboa
arminMarten: The Bridge
MoemaQuintas: Transparências
MoemaQuintas: Frutas
Ariasgonzalo: De paseo
Ariasgonzalo: En la bocana
Ariasgonzalo: Spirit
barrycross: A Little Midsummer Calmness
Ariasgonzalo: Nieblas en la dehesa
rolhas: tree
deyvis malta: Land People
mbac: Castle Courtyard
Luis "Morningrise" Jordao: Beautiful Light