Mongezi Mtati: Man in the distance
Mongezi Mtati: Beautiful wild flowers
Mongezi Mtati: Johannesburg in the fog
Mongezi Mtati: Flowering beautifully
Mongezi Mtati: Bee on a flower
Mongezi Mtati: In prayer
Mongezi Mtati: Baptism
Mongezi Mtati: Seeking God
Mongezi Mtati: Behind the scenes
Mongezi Mtati: Staring into the distance
Mongezi Mtati: Chilling in the plane engine
Mongezi Mtati: Manually starts the plane
Mongezi Mtati: Daydreams in a plane engine
Mongezi Mtati: Living on the edge
Mongezi Mtati: Sniping the shooter
Mongezi Mtati: Live Free
Mongezi Mtati: A fox and a zebra meet at a local drinking hole, "why the long face, says one to the other". #citylife | #cityofjoburg | #southafrica | #streetphotography | #streetart
Mongezi Mtati: New life growing quietly in bustling city pavements.
Mongezi Mtati: Riding in a slow boat down quiet waters and a slightly turbulent sea slows down the daydream. It made me appreciate the vastness of the universe and her ability to create infinitely. The power and strength that we sometimes take for granted, and the soft,
Mongezi Mtati: Open foggy roads that lead home.
Mongezi Mtati: Sometimes.....taking a moment out of the day to appreciate the little things makes a huge difference. Drinking this morning coffee in a nearly empty shop was one of the most meaningful moments.
Mongezi Mtati: A visit to SA's mountainous countryside just the other day.
Mongezi Mtati: City streets slowly waking up to the end of the holidays and the hustle of the new year. These tiny windows of quiet offer a whole new perspective and revive the creative spark before streets are painted.
Mongezi Mtati: Contrasts make for both a beautiful sights and a colourful interesting existence. Finding difference in all its forms can be more captivating than not.
Mongezi Mtati: The ostrich that never crossed the road.
Mongezi Mtati: Back to chasing opportunity at sunrise in the city of gold and the melting honey pot of creativity.
Mongezi Mtati: The splendor of South Africa's landscapes.
Mongezi Mtati: Pretty little flowers along the pavement.
Mongezi Mtati: A crowned crane flying off. It's said to be among the most primitive of the species with an estimated 12 000 of them being in Southern Africa.