monbydick: @合歡山_Hehuanshan_Hehuan mountain_Taiwan
monbydick: Star trail @合歡山_Hehuanshan_Hehuan mountain_Taiwan
monbydick: @合歡山_Hehuanshan_Hehuan mountain_Taiwan
monbydick: 2020_01_01 紅梅_Red plum @武陵農場_Wuling farm
monbydick: 2019/11/30 @合歡山_Hehuanshan_Hehuan mountain_Taiwan
monbydick: Starry night @合歡山_Hehuanshan_Hehuan montain_Taiwan
monbydick: 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @北橫公路
monbydick: Sunset @合歡山_Hehuanshan
monbydick: Moon light @Hehuanshan
monbydick: 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @北橫公路
monbydick: @合歡山_Hehuanshan
monbydick: 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @北橫公路
monbydick: @合歡山_Hehuanshan_Taiwan
monbydick: 2019/09/22 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @大園濱海自行車道
monbydick: After sunset/star trail/Blue tone sky/Foggy@合歡山_Hehuanshan_Taiwan
monbydick: Cosmos_大波斯菊
monbydick: Discharge
monbydick: 2018/12/15 @合歡山_Hehuanshan
monbydick: The light
monbydick: Sea of clouds@ 合歡山_Hehuanshan
monbydick: sunrise @合歡山_Hehuansan
monbydick: 2019/08/25 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @ 林口火力發電廠
monbydick: 2019/08/24 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @新竹湖口
monbydick: 2019/08/24 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside @林口火力發電廠
monbydick: 2019/08/20 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside
monbydick: 2018/09/22 Flowing fogs @合歡山_Hehuanshan
monbydick: 2019/08/06 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside
monbydick: 2019/08/09 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside
monbydick: 2019/08/04 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside
monbydick: 2019/07/28 路邊風景_Scenery in the countryside _後厝港