pacarca: Guadalupe.
pacarca: Rosa
つよしん: うどん屋なのにこのぼた餅のうまさがたまらないのである!
hiroshimaphotography: 讃岐うどん 幅屋 udon habaya Hiroshima しょうゆうどん shouyu udon 広島市南区皆実町6丁目
Ahmad J. Awad: The sunrise after the blizzard storm few days ago, Amman - Jordan.
Ahmad J. Awad: “We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.”
pacarca: Rica manzana.
pacarca: Curioso.
pacarca: Plaza Sta Maria de Guadalupe Caceres.
Ahmad J. Awad: A view of Amman from my balcony with a full moon! :)
Ahmad J. Awad: A view of Amman from the top of The Royal hotel
Ahmad J. Awad: This is why i love winter....A rainbow in Amman few days ago
guigonliz: 大院廟。日光市。ドラゴンズを想像してみて。
guigonliz: 櫻山神社。高山市。自然から男性へ。
WannT: 暹罗猫@立冬
Fu-Yi: Yellow Cosmos.*黃波斯菊*
pacarca: SMC Pentax 135mm f2.5
norbertalleaume: doudoudle
商廣智Kenjishang: 夏日的味道
Reid2008: The SUN feels good ! (Explore)
charlie.syme: Sea Eagle
ivor miller: hardwick park ( explore )
davy ren2: Baby tawny
Addi Viggós: Coast to coast / Explored
chris new kiwi: Duckling - Please view on black, thanks. Explored.
McSnowHammer: Bright Barrel