AraDolls: Violet Hill
***Andreja***: Free Faceup Giveaway 2 [ended]
***Andreja***: Free Faceup - Lottery
karmadekarmade: one for sorrow two for joy
karmadekarmade: dream spell
karmadekarmade: 5x5 NINOMIYA:sloth
Quatre05: The Sound of Lights
Didocat: yiyeon
*KaChu*: A cup of puki golden fluffball
Habashira: //gone// old´Willamette & 'old'Travis - like an orphan doll
miyako-h: IMG_1644
PetitPlat - Stephanie Kilgast: Miniature Food Charlotte aux Fruits
fofurasfelinas: Sakura Chan went to her new home
aki ♫:
lastboltnut: 101 CSI
~ Hatty: Dreamy-and-colourful-02
bradley gaskin: singled out
fofurasfelinas: Cat Help Needed! Ajuda Felina Urgente!
wandaaaa: as real as it gets...
ukaaa: The Great Escape
*northern star°: I hate u.
Fer Gregory: Rosa de agua
anzyAprico: little autumn
yoshiko314: do you like it?
yoshiko314: Yum! :-9
Linda Leow: Chibi and Totoro
worldruined: Lion's Share