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mollymehling: Bethann Merkle guided participants to learn several illustration techniques, one of which was tracing.
mollymehling: An example of Perrin Ireland's illustration drawn while listening to a presentation.
mollymehling: Illustrator, Perrin Ireland, gives away tips and tricks for drawing people!
mollymehling: Perrin Ireland conveys the important of using visual hierarchy when illustrated complex stories.
mollymehling: The line up for our workshop on advancing communication of ecological science and knowledge. We all learned so much from each other!
mollymehling: Participants convene on how to conduct and record interviews. The activity was led by science communicator Chris Creese.
mollymehling: Participants take a break from their audio/video skill development.
mollymehling: Participants experimented with the range of devices now available for recording and distributing media.
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mollymehling: An example photo using the ProHDR app on an iPhone. Note how the sky is blue and the detail in the lower trunks and leaves are visible. I also brightened the palm canopies with a selective adjustment in Snapseed.
mollymehling: Ben Landis led the crew in a very productive ice breaker. In just a few minutes, they succinctly described their partner's research in the length of a headline or tweet.
mollymehling: By showing her own illustrations and leading a number of exercises, Bethann Merkle (re)built confidence in the participant's ability to draw.
mollymehling: Science illustrator, Perrin Ireland, with the botanical collection. (photo taken and edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: Ben Landis practicing his nature illustration skills. (photo taken and edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: A workshop participant gains confidence in drawing from illustrator Bethann Merkle's tutorials. (photo taken and edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: Participants practice photographic techniques by creating head shots of one another. (photo by Clarisse Hart, edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: An iPad camera, white paper, botanical specimen, and some mild editing can create simple documentation photographs. (photo taken and edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: An iPad camera, white paper, botanical specimen, and some mild editing can create simple documentation photographs. (photo taken and edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: An iPad camera, white paper, botanical specimen, and some mild editing can create simple documentation photographs. (photo taken and edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: Participants practiced their audio, video, and interviewing skills in an exercise led by science communicator Chris Creese. (photo by Clarisse Hart, edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: Participants practiced their audio, video, and interviewing skills in an exercise led by science communicator Chris Creese. (photo by Clarisse Hart, edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: Participants practiced their audio, video, and interviewing skills in an exercise led by science communicator Chris Creese. (photo by Clarisse Hart, edited by Molly Mehling)
mollymehling: Uploaded by ProCamera
mollymehling: Uploaded by ProCamera
mollymehling: Uploaded by ProCamera
mollymehling: Uploaded by ProCamera
mollymehling: Uploaded by ProCamera