Tim Holmes: Gil Amelio brings Steve Jobs out, Apple Town Hall - 12 20 96
kirinqueen: friend thumbnails
powerpig: Hello
Wmxdesign: Michele Bachmann (Rep. R-MN):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
:nick: What's on my (stand-up) desk: 2011 edition
gruntzooki: RFID-blocking wallet, point of sale, London Drugs, Vancouver, BC.jpg
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
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stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 4
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 52
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 41
stevensiegel260: Hole in Manhattan Bridge walkway (1980)
stevensiegel260: Office building lobby 1
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 19
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 106
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 49
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 116
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stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 129
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 136
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ncomment: War (1/3)
ncomment: War (2/3)
ncomment: War (3/3)
BigD: IMG_4416
BigD: IMG_4375