Ben at St. Louis Energized: History Museum Reflected
John Langholz: Tree House
FotoEdge: Big Boy Sign
Stewart Marshall (RightAntler): George Eastman Mosaic
University Archives WUSTL: Cardinal_front_hartzell
The Library of Congress: [Arcade, Rotterdam, Holland] (LOC)
mtchl: grid_squarepack_links01
mtchl: ypk_metres|prefix|inside_items
mtchl: Commons Explorer (Brooklyn Museum)
berndfr: Daguerreotype by Anson (Great Grandmother Rook)
snap-happy1: Family from the 1850's - Ambrotype
Tim Archibald: 12 ft dia Chandelier at the Fox Theater
Melissa Witcher: Rosie Riveter
sunnybrook100: WWI British Nurse and Small Irish Wolfhound (?)
sunnybrook100: British Nurse circa WWI
vikki......: Daguerreotype
Cynan Jones: Penmorfa (Daguerreotype) Now Demolished.
inferno55: Half Plate Daguerreotype 1854
Photo_History: Boys' Night Out – Wishing you a Happy New Year, 2019
josefnovak33: Barefoot Kids
PhotoPoinky: Stanford University's Libraries Special Collections in Second Life
frankgiacobbe: N Scale Scratch Built Newsstand
Jitneyboy: FOAM Mural
Jitneyboy: Granite
epicharmus: MacDougal-Sullivan Gardens Historic District panorama 1
Thad Roan - Bridgepix: Historic Route 66 Highway Folk Art