Missouri Historical Society:
Mo-Hon-Go, an Osage woman
Missouri Historical Society:
War dance
Missouri Historical Society:
Missouri Historical Society:
Ki-On-Twog-Ky, a Seneca chief
Missouri Historical Society:
Chippeway squaw and child
Missouri Historical Society:
Hunting the buffaloe
Missouri Historical Society:
Missouri Historical Society:
Not-Chi-Mi-Ne, an Ioway chief
Missouri Historical Society:
Keokuk, chief of the Sacs and Foxes
Missouri Historical Society:
Kee-Shes-Wa, a Fox chief
Missouri Historical Society:
Wat-Che-Mon-Ne, an Ioway chief
Missouri Historical Society:
Le-Soldat-du-Chene, an Osage Chief
Missouri Historical Society:
Pow-A-Sheek, a Fox chief