MohaNed Khater: In #Love with those #Handmade #Pendants by the #Talented @nohakhater ... Get them today at Alexandria Sporting Club ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: "ماحدش حبك كل الحب ده غير أمك الله يرحمها، و كلبك نيستا" قالتها صديقتي ضاحكة و هي لا تدرك كل هذه الأسئلة التي تجول بخاطري و لن أجد لها إجابة ما بين أم لا تجمع بيننا ذات الحياة و كائن لا تجمع بيننا ذات اللغة
MohaNed Khater: فاطنة زهقانة ... #جوابات_حراجي_القط #عبد_الرحمن_الأبنودي ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: The #Cutest #Wallpaper #Ever ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: Cause we #Love mirrors ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: So I woke up to this! ... #Nesta ... #Alexandria #Egypt ... #dog #dogs #puppy #pup #pet #pets #animal #animals #cute #dogs_of_instagram #petstagram #petsagram #photooftheday #dogsofinstagram #ilovemydog #instagramdogs #dogstagram #dogoftheday #lovedogs #l
MohaNed Khater: #Never #Judge a #Book by the #Cover , #Now #GoodLuck with this one ... #Alexandria #Egypt ... #books #read #reading #reader #page #pages #paper #instagood #library #author #bestoftheday #bookworm #readinglist #love #photooftheday #imagine #plot #story #s
MohaNed Khater: #Never #Judge a #Book by the #Cover ... #Now #GoodLuck with this one ... #Alexandria #Egypt ... #books #book #read #reading #reader #page #pages #paper #instagood #library #author #bestoftheday #bookworm #readinglist #love #photooftheday #imagine #plot #c
MohaNed Khater: The Things that #Once were ... #Alexandria #Egypt ... #architecture #building #architexture #city #buildings #urban #design #cities #town #street #art #arts #architecturelovers #abstract #lines #instagood #beautiful #archilovers #architectureporn #looking
MohaNed Khater: #Irresistible #Cute #Dog #Nesta ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: The #New #Pattern #Collection is almost #Done ... #WIP #Adobe #Illustrator #SurfacePatternDesign #Fashion #Dress #BabyBlue #Blue #Navy #Orange #White ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: Well ... You really #Know how to make me #Laugh ... #Summer #Beach #Blue #Cyan and #Sand ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Nesta #Love #Coffee breaks ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Another #Hideous #Mirror ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: Who knew I'd #Enjoy the day like so ! ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Nesta ... Oh he loves the #Beach ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Kiss #Kiss ... #Lick #Lick #Nesta ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Damn we are starving ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #نودلز #التنين #المجنح لما يفقد أعصابه ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: What is the worst discussion in the world? Collective exhibition 19 May - 4 June at Jesuits Cultural Center Alexandria opening at 7 pm ... ما هي أسوأ مناقشة في العالم؟ معرض جماعي ... 19 مايو الي 4 يونيو ... بمركز الجيزويت الثقافي بالأسكندرية و الإفتتاح
MohaNed Khater: #When I #Evaluate my own #Work " This is #Pure #Shit " ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Cause Beach is #Necessary ... #Nesta ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Hania keeps on trying to #Torture #Me ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #زقزوقة و #حمدون ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Far #Beyond Darkness ... #Siwa #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Heaven ... #Siwa #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: When #Bored I do #Keys ... #Adobe #Illustrator #Draw ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: Feels like #21 #Again ... #Beardless ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: #Late #Night #Screening ... #Alexandria #Egypt
MohaNed Khater: I #Hate #KitchenTime #Love the #Apron ... #Alexandria #Egypt