Felix Lupa: *****
Sajal Ghosh: Smoking Kills...
Sajal Ghosh: Patabahar continues....
Sajal Ghosh: Just another Street shot...
CyanSkies: F-4 American Legion
fjny: S-Bend (ii)
timijimi: A hazy shade of (almost) winter
jamesreed2: Newcastle. by James Reed
Daniel Marchand: Terrasse du Chateau Laurier - Instruction #51 SPNP - 'Buildings are like humans and have their own character.' - Alexey Titarenko
Fco.Javier Sánchez: Oporto Street
Pauleff: arcade
MB Becerra: Lots Road Power Station
Peter Nahum: The Lighthouse King's X
._Karl_.: SPNP #51
Sigfrid Lundberg: P9179929_bw.tif
ivnmad: Future buildings / Developing characters - Instruction #51
zdenek-lesovsky: Street Photography Now Project - Instruction #51 'Buildings are like humans and have their own character.' - Alexey Titarenko
Larking About: Collins Barracks
w{loop: 'Buildings are like humans and have their own character.' - Alexey Titarenko
sebastiano_muglia2011: Instruction # 51 - Amazement's smile!
dannyburrows68: Untitled (The Atlantic Wall)
Jamie Fyson Howard: Instruction #51