Spacing Magazine: IMG_3386
CANFAR: AIDSbeat 2013: Rock & Roll Circus
NarrativePR: _MG_3704
NarrativePR: _MG_3754
LexnGer: Raffle Ticket Etiquette
Dennis Rogers Photo: Brewing with Chemex
sue.h: ...
LexnGer: Duarte at Monday Lunch Club
Rick Danko: harvest-39
OMG Visuals: Audi R8 V10
Mr. Pebb: Ready for your Close Up
Sandra_R: Waiting for the Summer..
ALL_CAPS: Canada's 41st Election—Explained
Sam Work: Audi R8 Spyder
samanthadjb: butternut squash tart // blog
hyfen: hohoto
hyfen: HoHoTO
mmarsupilami: Exposition d'Art contemporain dans le parc de Chaudfontaine (Belgique)
nicolemma: Grapes at Lynch-Bages looking good.
Competitive Cyclist Photos: Cervelo-R3-SL-Custom-Blue
nicktassone: excavation
jm3: Rock the TSA with Style: Citizen's Insertable Swiftness Manifest. From McSweeny's
Ryan Coleman: TIFF09-5447.jpg
charmgirl13: Keep calm
s h a p e l i k e: Current iPhone wallpaper: one of my favourite Ernst Haeckel illustrations.
LexnGer: ModernMod In Her Shoes
flashlight: IMG_3553