AnnaKika: Mushroom dyeing
San Francisco Foundation: The juicing of the Pokeweed to obtain a light sensitive dye used to make the Anthotype by Christine Elfman
Rosa Pomar: chancas
rollingtheberries: Machine Knitted Scarves
LaineZinzin: Atelier côté laine/Wool section
LaineZinzin: Atelier côté laine/Wool section
Rosa Pomar: amor de lã
Rosa Pomar: os chibos
Rosa Pomar: romaria das ovelhas - bode enfeitado
Rosa Pomar: o bode enfeitado
Rosa Pomar: enfeitar o rebanho
Rosa Pomar: são joão das ovelhas
Rosa Pomar: alvite
woodwoolstool: united colors of wood & wool stool
NYC Subway Rider: New Generation Lighting, Facade, 144 Bowery, NYC 2014.06.26
Sheeps and Peeps Farm: natural dyeing
helenpriem: Two headed Bully Stage 3
Lorena Cassady: St. Lucy (detail), by Francesco del Cossa, 1470
Avalanche Looms: Just made tag for new tapes
Donauluft: beadwork - statement necklace ©V.Luftensteiner
Tugboat Printshop: Pulling up a finished "COMMUNITY" Woodcut!
marianbijlenga: lijntrekken
marianbijlenga: lijntrekken
hine: Gray Ectoplasm