drkornea2010: June Ima Bee Block
supersara20: Grace do.good.stitches pouch mosaic
Butternutlake: Bee White Black for Kate
tazarie: July Simply Solids Bee block (Fallow Group)
needleanddime: Circle of Geese
Debbie Grifka: Think Positive
ledgett: Black and white + block for Kate. Bee White Black
627HandWorks - Julie Hirt: Third Wheel Paper Pieced Quilt Block
berlinquilter: Scrappy tumbling blocks quilt top
Mama Spark: Cross block for Ima Bee
Mama Spark: Cross block for Ima Bee
wombatquilts: Paper piecing fun.
Quilty doings: Ready and waiting for the last blocks
JennySquawk: Block for ima bee swap.
beeware70: my circle game progress
Lorena in Sydney: Loving @instasheridan 's combo of Belle (AB) with Shelbourne Falls (DS). Perfect!
Sandie Holtman: I barely have time to look this week, much less stitch, so this gets to marinate a bit. #improvroundrobin #sewkatiedid
fishcreekstudio: LV background with bright crosses-trying to be spontaneous with the LV squares for the background but its harder than it looks! #rightbrainvsleftbrain
Natalia @ Piece N Quilt: Postcards for our new book just arrived! Yay!#modernoneblockquilts
artistdoris: #myweekend #quiltretreat #whatiworkedonatretreat #candiedhexagons #commissionquilt #dontlooknow #lillypilly #atkinsondesigns #hexiegarden
buttoncounter: picture for yellowhouse72
MariQuilts: Rachel's Quilt
goneaussiequilting: Screen Captures
Sandie Holtman: Friday Favorites 7-12-13
artistdoris: Progress #hexiegarden #atkinsondesigns #quiltforzoe #quiltretreat
Sister Of The Divide: SBC Ice Cream Cones
Sew-Fantastic: Man you all really love this combo. Finally got some more finished #etsy #sewfantastic #handmade
Sew-Fantastic: It's just too good in this print by @annamariahorner #yummy #fauxleather #sewfantastic #etsy
AdrianneNZ: Pistols at Dawn Quilt Top