mod as hell: Simplicity 6424
mod as hell: Simplicity 7997
mod as hell: Sewing Casual Clothes (1966)
mod as hell: Sewing Casual Clothes (1966)
mod as hell: Wardrobe planning with the shift
mod as hell: Wardrobe planning with the shift
mod as hell: Wardrobe planning with the shift
mod as hell: Shifts; Halters (Drawstring halter)
mod as hell: Shifts (Casing on a shift)
mod as hell: Shifts
mod as hell: Sport fashions from leather
mod as hell: Closed-back halter
mod as hell: Men's trunks
mod as hell: Men's trunks
mod as hell: Bikini or bloomer suit
mod as hell: Bathing suits
mod as hell: Bathing suits