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albums of mod as hell
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stuff on the sidewalk
365 for 2011
Teacher's Editions
Hockey Scouting Report
Minneapolis 1963
Bowling Magazine
Cooking is Fun
Popular Science
Holiday cookbooks
Woman Alive
industrial pamphlets & catalogs
transportation ephemera
vintage postcards
abandoned building finds, toys, etc.
Olympics-related stuff
seen in Barbie Magazine
vintage paperbacks
fun with screenshots
365days & beyond
Public Enemies movie set
Safety booklets
ladies of rail!
model train scrapbook
Clear the Track!
How to Make Sock Toys
vintage photo magazines
Sucaryl (cyclamate) cookery
A Trip Through the Chicago Sun-Times
Railroads Deliver the Goods!
Chicago Board of Health
transportation postcards
Chicago: The World's Youngest Great City (1929)
New York Transit Museum
awesome strangers
the end of Circuit City
vintage sewing patterns
watching TV
St. Louis Union Station
Chicago Bureau of Lunchrooms Recipe Cards
shopping malls
wedding books
antique/vintage stores
romance comics
Festive Foods
one night in a cheap motel
grocery stores
Cooking with Aunt Jenny
foods I made or bought
Effective Food Buying
transit fares
Metra maps & schedules
contemporary postcards
Des Plaines, City of Destiny
thrift stores
discount stores
toy stores
vintage auto manuals
railroad magazines
vintage advertising
signed books
1960s business textbook
dollar stores
Chicago Transit Authority
your friendly guide!
This Week in Chicago
misc. old Chicago stuff
Milwaukee County Government Report 1963
miscellaneous books
music posters
vintage recipes
Chicago Public Works: A History
Milwaukee finds
Detroit finds
Iowa stuff