mod as hell: Thermo Dynamics by Trindl
mod as hell: Thermo Dynamics by Trindl (featuring Therm-o-Tron Pipe Thawer)
mod as hell: Airtex Radiant Ceilings
mod as hell: Airtex, Radiant at O'Hare
mod as hell: Airtex (back cover)
mod as hell: Airtex, For the Ultimate in Year 'Round Comfort (front cover)
mod as hell: Edward Cast Steel Valves (back cover)
mod as hell: Edward Cast Steel Valves (cover)
mod as hell: Edward Valves, Inc.
mod as hell: Constant Research for Better Valves
mod as hell: McDonnell Service Guide, August 1, 1956
mod as hell: These four hook-ups are WRONG/This hook-up is RIGHT
mod as hell: McDonnell Service Guide, August 1, 1956
mod as hell: and now a message from the Grinding Wheel Institute
mod as hell: Members of Grinding Wheel Institute (1971)
mod as hell: Roll Grinding (1952 & 1960)
mod as hell: Roll Grinding (1952 & 1960)
mod as hell: The ABC of Internal Grinding (1943 & 1961)
mod as hell: The ABC of Internal Grinding (1943 & 1961)
mod as hell: Rough Grinding (n.d.)
mod as hell: Rough Grinding (n.d.)
mod as hell: Thread Grinding (1947 & 1957)
mod as hell: Thread Grinding (1947 & 1957)
mod as hell: At Last...A System of Explosion Prevention
mod as hell: Explosafe Manufacturing/Distribution
mod as hell: Saving Lives and Property: Explosafe
mod as hell: EXPLOFOIL! part of The Explosafe System
mod as hell: How Explosafe Works
mod as hell: Explosafe: Extensive Testing and Research
mod as hell: Explosafe Applications