Mo...ments in time: Lady Dorothy at Ulswater
Mo...ments in time: Windmills at sunset
Mo...ments in time: Keswick sunset
Mo...ments in time: Triple paddling
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-8
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-7
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-6
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-5
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-4
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-3
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-2
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger-1
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger two
Mo...ments in time: Stavanger garden 2
Mo...ments in time: Sunrise on 9th
Mo...ments in time: Out of the sun
Mo...ments in time: Nord-2501-Noratlas-2