omoeck: hugging my baby bro/sis!
fmoeck: XMas Eve. Helping Dad and Giga pack for their trip to BRASIL.
fmoeck: Yeah, I'm gorg!
fmoeck: My FROZEN 4th.
fmoeck: Sunshine song.
fmoeck: Being girly w/ Mama.
fmoeck: I SEE ELSA!!
fmoeck: Face paint.
omoeck: Spokane bound.
omoeck: Party for the new baby. I want a boy.
omoeck: Waves 2015.
omoeck: Love + homework.
fmoeck: Dirtbags!
fmoeck: Go. Gonzaga.
fmoeck: Lunch w/ Mama.
fmoeck: Happy Eeeether!
fmoeck: CHRISTMAS!!!
fmoeck: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
fmoeck: 'Ginger's' House.
fmoeck: Thanksgiving Day.
fmoeck: My Mama made me heart eggs 😀
omoeck: Horse tracks.
omoeck: Movie night in Dad + Melissa's bed.
omoeck: Playing w/ Pokémon app.